I just read a disturbing report on CNET: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10320096-38.html
There is a bill being proposed to grant executive control over the Internet, in a case of “Cyber-Terror” and allow the government to seize control of private sector networks, effectively shutting down the Internet.
It goes on to talk about the terms vaguely, and any threat that deals with computers, the Internet, telecommunications, computer networks, would qualify as Cyber Terrorism, and allow Uncle Sam to cripple private networks. This includes the possibility of shutting down networks to prevent phone calls and other communications systems.
New licenses would be given to individuals and companies who deal with the major networks, giving them clearance, and basically saying you have to have government approval to run any large private network. They would also be required to provide additional data and resources to the government.
Frankly, I find this very apalling, and do not want ANYONE in government having judicial control over public networks, allowing them to effectively shut down the system with a flick of a switch. The government is very lacking in current security operations, and network security is best handled by the private sector.
I understand the need to be able to mitigate threats, but there are cyber attacks every day against corporations and individuals, and the current private networks do a damn good job of keeping the peace, along with keeping the Internet ONLINE.