Oi! It’s been a long, yet fruitful, day. At 10, I had a meeting with a client, and helped walk them through using Site Studio to put their site together. Then I headed over to my friend Caleb’s house to help him and his family cut wood. Their house is heated by in floor heating that is heated by a wood burning boiler in their back yard. So Caleb and I were out with the chainsaws cutting up 9-10ft logs into 2-3ft chunks while his dad used the tractor/bucket to carry the wood over to the wood pile.
All in all we spent probably 5hrs out there working, digging logs out of the snow/ice, cutting them, and stacking them. My arms, legs, and back are pretty sore, and I know I’ll definately be feeling it in the morning. But I enjoyed the work, I need to get more excersize, and there is just something about doing physical labor outdoors that makes you feel that much more alive. Plus, I like Caleb’s family, they’re all pretty cool. Plus, they cook really good food.
After Calebs, I went to Church at 6:30, Pastor Sunny preached out of Ephesians, and we talked about ‘predestination’ and what it really means in Ephesians 1:5. Too many people look too deeply into what Paul meant by ‘predestined’, when all he was trying to say was that God loves us so much, that he chose us, and chose to save us, even before he created us.
Well, after church, a bunch of us went up to Country Lanes to go moonlight bowling. I didn’t bowl, and just watched/hung out with everyone. Now I’m back home, thinking to myself that I need to invest in a Hot Tub to relax my sore muscles.
I guess I’ll just have to do physical labor more often to get myself in shape, so I’m not this sore afterwards…