I came across this site today : http://www.evanwashere.com/StolenSidekick/ where this guy is telling the world about how his friend’s sidekick was stolen, and he is shaming them into apologizing and giving it back.
I like what this guy is doing, he is standing up for his beliefs, and making a public example of a group of people without moral conscience. I hope that his friend gets her sidekick back, and I hope the people involved each learn their lesson. I also think that it’s nice to see he’s not using all this publicity to make a buck. Heck, I’d probably put adsense or yahoo publisher network on there if I was doing that, just to recoup some of the bandwidth costs.
As of now, it looks like he’s gone through a couple different hosts to host a forum for people to chat on, and they’ve all crashed. I’m going to contact him and see if he’d be interested in giving it one more go with a forum, since I do have a couple dual xeons that are not active right now (although they are earmarked for another client, they are not yet in use). And from the looks of it, the other hosts had set up phpBB2, while I would set up punbb. And use a separate dedicated mysql server.
We’ll see. Hats off to Evan!