So yesterday afternoon was really nice. It was 60 degrees and sunny! So I decided to go for a run, to get out of the house, and get some excersize. I ran probably 2, maybe 2.5 miles max (out and back from my house). The thing I learned from that was that I am extremely out of shape.
I used to run cross country back in high school (8-12th grade) as well as Track (8th-11th grade). I loved running, especially distance running. There isn’t a better way to get out, clear your mind, and enjoy nature than to go for a run down a lonesome county park trail.
When I first came to college here in Duluth, I set a goal of running Grandma’s Marathon before I graduate. Well, I havent really ran at all since high school, and I’ll be graduating next spring, so it looks like I need to start training if I want to meet my goal. I’m going to try to get out and run 3 times a week (MWF) as I have time. Actually, I’m going to schedule time into my schedule for running, that way I’ll be more likely to do it.
I think its about time that I add a ‘Goals’ Page so I can keep track of my goals, and others can prod me to stick to them