Well, I just got back from Sonshine 2004! It was awesome! I saw soo many bands play, but my favorite had to have been Petra. I’ve been a big Petra fan for a long long time, and this is the first time I’ve seen them live in concert.
Over the weekend, I ended up spending a little too much at Sonshine. I got about 10 CD’s to help replenish my collection that was stolen a while back. I got 3 ApologetiX cd’s, 4 Petra cd’s, Reliant K’s new cd, as well as Paul wright’s cd, and the latest from the Supertones.
Over this next week or so, I am going to be updating this site. I’ll be adding a bunch of pics and vids, as well as some other content pages etc. Well, at least I’m planning on working on this site, whether I actually have time is another thing.