Well, yesterday was another lovely Easter Sunday.  I always like easter, as it is a time to spend time with family, and remember that Jesus Christ our Lord has Risen from the grave and conquered sin.  I had a good weekend, spending time with my family, I got a little bit of work done on some websites thanks to my New Laptop   After Church on Sunday, we went to my Aunt Vernice’s house where I ate too much good food, and then some of us went out back and shot off my Uncle Verlin’s .22 Pistol that he brought.
After lunch, I headed back to Duluth, but swung by Princeton to see my Girlfriend and meet her family.  They’re pretty cool people too.  After a few hours hanging out there, I made my way back to Duluth.
Now here I sit, Monday evening, working away at the Helpdesk.  Maybe now that I have a laptop, I can get more work done… but then again, maybe not?